YouTube Ads Have Come Undone

This had better be a phase and move on quickly

Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
2 min readDec 21, 2022
Photo of a cute baby staring ahead with a puzzled look on his face.
Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

A few months ago, I was like you. I was stuck in the unending cycle of the corporate industry. I hated my life because I could not do all the things I needed to. I was not there for my family and my children. I could not travel the world as I wanted.

Am I the only one who has thoroughly had it with YouTube ads?

The setting of these ads is mainly on the street. Someone is walking, holding their phone, and telling me how they now have the freedom to be with their family and enough money to travel to any country of their choosing.

They only have to work for 3 hours of the 24 and they make more than they made throughout their miserable career in a corporate job.

Their call to action is always just as petty as the entire ad.



Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba

I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.