Does Medium Deduct Our Earnings?

What’s with the subtracted views and claps?

Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
2 min readSep 16, 2022
A beautiful girl-child with large, expressive eyes looking as shocked as I did when I saw the subtraction on my stats page.
Photo by Janko Ferlic from Pexels

I get it.

We can never fully understand the Medium algorithm. That will be like Coca-Cola sharing its secret ingredient during a press conference. Pepsi would love that though.

Screenshots showing subtraction from the Author’s stats page
Screenshots from the Author’s stats page

However, some of this information has become necessary and would address many misconceptions, like

  • Why does the stats page show some subtractions in views and reads?

If the account of a user who engages (views, claps) with your story is deleted or suspended, then the engagement will also be removed. This can cause changes in your stats months or even years after the original engagement. — Medium

  • Does this subtraction affect the earnings from the reads?
  • If I read half of a story and complete it later, would it be recorded as a read or view?
  • The distribution channels for stories chosen for further distribution.

Pretty please, Medium Support, could this be included in the updated version of Medium’s Help Center?

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Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba

I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.